What is an endowment?
Endowment refers to contributions that are invested in perpetuity, unlike expendable contributions which are typically used for immediate needs.
Endowments are fundamental to the financial stability of synagogues like Congregation B'nai Torah. Endowment funds provide a steady predictable source of income over time, on which the congregation can make commitments and build programs.
A strong endowment is the “behind-the-scenes” support for the most successful universities, religious and cultural institutions across the country. Top-notch organizations that focus on the future and sustain greatness from generation to generation are, almost without exception, those with the largest endowments.
What does the endowment do?
B'nai Torah’s main sources of income are membership dues and private support, which includes annual fundraising efforts, endowment returns and new gifts. Endowment income provides stability against downturns in the economy and student enrollment fluctuations. Unrestricted endowment gifts support the general operating budget, enabling B'nai Torah to meet immediate needs and invest in new opportunities and initiatives that are in the best interest of the future of our congregation and community. Restricted gifts support the areas of:
- Education
- Worship
- Community
- Facilities
How does endowment support Congregation B'nai Torah?
A strong endowment allows B'nai Torah to pursue critical initiatives that enhance our ability to be a leader in the community. In addition to providing stability for the future, members benefit from the programs and enhancements that endowment support makes possible. Through endowment resources, activities can be supported that might not otherwise exist. Generally speaking, the strongest and most stable institutions have large endowments.
Our current endowment – totaling $X million – provides support for need based membership dues subsidies, enhancements to BT LAB (our experiential Religious School program), as well as other operating needs.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can provide funding for the future and support the B'nai Torah Foundation, contact Foundation Chair, Michael Siegel, at foundation@bnaitorah.org.
If you have already included B'nai Torah in your estate plans, please let Executive Director, Natalie Sarnat, know so that we may properly honor you as part of our Legacy Society.