B'nai Torah Women (BTW) is a revamped and reinvigorated sisterhood effort. We are a committed and dynamic group of volunteers that supports the congregation, provides a vibrant community for its members, and enriches its members' Jewish education and connection to Israel.
BTW offers the unique opportunity of making lifelong friends, learning about interesting topics, leading a more profound Jewish life, and giving back to our community. We sponsor and promote social, educational, and cultural activities for our members as well as participate in programs that promote community responsibility.
Upcoming Events
And happening regularly:
BTW will be meeting on Sundays to schmooze and play Mahjong! Players of all skill levels are welcome. We have some mahjong sets and cards, but if you have your own, please bring them. We are encouraging people to sign-up to ensure we have full tables for games. - Click here to see dates and RSVP. Questions or problems with the Signup Genius? Email Tiffany Gelbaum at tiffany.gelbaum@gmail.com.
BTW Book Club returns this fall! Join in the discussion for $65. We will be meeting in-person only at B'nai Torah each month to chat about another captivating read. - Click here to register and see the schedule of books
Rosh Chodesh gatherings come from our ancient tradition of women coming together to mark the phase of the new moon. In our modern times women gather to learn, sing, and enrich our Jewish spiritual experience. Gather monthly with Rabbi Breit. No preparation required. Email erabinowitz@bnaitorah.org to be added to our BTW Rosh Chodesh list to stay updated.