Congregation B’nai Torah is proud to be a community that welcomes those who are exploring Judaism. Some come to us because they have been introduced to Judaism by a significant other. Others may have Jewish connections in their family tree, and want to formalize their connection to their heritage. Others will come having discovered the Jewish tradition on their own, and seeking their own truth.
Those who are considering Judaism are welcome to attend all B’nai Torah events and activities, and are encouraged to begin their journey with a meeting with one of our rabbis who will provide a customized reading list.
The Conversion Process
Once someone decides that conversion is the right path, the conversion process may involve up to a year of study. Conversion typically includes one of several group “Introduction to Judaism” classes offered by different organizations in the community, and about twenty individual meetings with one of our rabbis. During the year, the prospective convert will attend services and activities, engage in home rituals and observances, and develop their own understanding of Jewish practices and beliefs.
When the prospective convert has completed their initial studies, they will undergo the formal conversion ritual:
1. Meeting with a Beit Din, a Jewish court of three rabbis, to announce their intent to complete the process, and display the sincerity of their convictions in belief and practice.
2. Immersing in a Mikvah. Congregation B’nai Torah is host to a community mikvah.
3. In addition, men wishing to covert must be circumcised. Those who have already been circumcised will undergo a symbolic ritual confirming their intent to enter the covenant.
Special Situations
Sometimes someone may have been raised in a Jewish family and has a Jewish identity, but might want to confirm his or her status. Such a person can go through some of the formalities of the conversion process (Beit Din and Mikvah) to confirm their status.
An infant or child who is being converted will be brought before the Beit Din by their parents.
When someone is converting in anticipation of a marriage to a Jewish person, we strongly encourage the Jewish partner to be active in the process as a way of supporting the converting partner.
If you would like more information about the conversion process, please contact Rabbi Joshua Heller at or Rabbi Hillel Konigsburg at, or Rabbi Elizabeth Breit at