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B’nai Torah is proud to help its members make a difference in the larger world. We partner with a diverse set of community partners to help those in need.

Have questions? Want to get involved?

 Contact Michelle Michelman, Social Action Chair, or fill out this form!


The 2021-2022 school year has been a very rewarding year for Backpack Buddies. Over 6000 bags of food were packed by more than 30 volunteers. The generosity of the B’nai Torah Congregation and friends in the broader community allowed for the funding of the food provided to 175 children every week of the school year.

The Backpack Buddies program has been so successful that B’nai Torah and the 19 other groups who are feeding students every week have joined together to form Backpack Buddies of Metro Atlanta (BBMA). The goal is to recruit other groups to pack food and other schools to participate so that we can feed even more children in the next school year.  

If you know of any schools who would like to receive food bags for their students or any club, congregations or other groups that would like to get involved, please contact congregant Debbie Sonenshine by email or at 404-290-0814.

Your donations and volunteer participation is always needed and appreciated. 

The pantry started in March 2020 to help food-insecure families during the COVID shutdowns. That grew into a community movement to help overlooked families. They help families in Sandy Springs feel uplifted, supported and food secure and serve 750-800 families per week and over 100,000 shoppers. They're located in Sandy Springs Plaza, behind Trader Joe's. To volunteer, please visit Solidarity Sandy Springs online or email our congregant Richard Levitt for more info.

Because of the efforts of Congregation B'nai Torah, Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb
(FPNFD) has been able to help homeless children and their families right here in Fulton and DeKalb County. FPNFD is one of 202 programs nationally affiliated with Family Promise. Since its formation in 1988, collectively Family Promise Affiliates have served more than 700,000 men, women and children, involving 6,000 congregations and more than 180,000 volunteers. Family Promise works with homeless families to tailor individualized plans to help them take the necessary steps toward lasting independence. Families rotate on a weekly basis between congregations, with congregations hosting for one week a quarter, up to four times per year. Congregation B'nai Torah partners with Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church to support Family Promise. Each quarter, you can volunteer to serve dinner, or donate to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund (note Family Promise). To learn more, please visit Family Promise online.

The Hunger Walk Run, an annual 5K walk and "fun run," is an Atlanta Community Food Bank event that unites our community to raise awareness and critical funds for local hunger relief. Proceeds from the event benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank and other local nonprofit organizations that support food pantries, community kitchens, shelters and other programs for people in need of food assistance. These benefiting partner organizations help recruit participants and receive a percentage of the funds raised to support their direct hunger relief programs. The family-friendly event includes food trucks, games, education activities, live entertainment and more! For more information, contact Rabbi Breit at

New American Pathways provides approximately 4,000 refugees per year with the necessary tools to rebuild their lives and achieve long-term success. Our specially designed programs provide proven pathways for refugees and other immigrants to realize their full potential and dreams while becoming productive, contributing members of Georgia’s communities. Congregation B'nai Torah assists New American Pathways during the High Holidays by collecting lightly used apartment furnishings. These furnishings allow refugees to arrive in Atlanta with the basic needs in their home. If you would like to donate to New American Pathways, please contact congregant 
Barry Koffler. To learn more, visit New American Pathways.

Feed the hungry of Atlanta! This year demand for the Food Bank has been higher than ever with inflation. Volunteering is important to keep the Bank running. There are special Sunday volunteer days where many folks from the Jewish community volunteer together from 1:30-4:30. Sign up here to join that group: or email Nancy Weiner for more info. Visit the Atlanta Food Bank to see their other volunteer opportunities.

Second Helpings Atlanta is a nonprofit food rescue organization whose mission is to reduce hunger and food waste in the Metro Atlanta area by rescuing healthy, nutritious, surplus food and distributing it to those in need. With a community of over 450 volunteers, SHA serves as the link between their network of Food Donors and Partner Agencies who feed the hungry on a daily basis. The food they rescue every day gets diverted from landfills and is used to feed those in need, making Atlanta a more environmentally responsible metropolitan area. Congregation B'nai Torah often donates leftover food from events and Kiddush lunches to Second Helpings Atlanta.

Sojourn is the Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity. Each year, Congregation B'nai Torah marches in support of our family, friends, coworkers, and community members. The Jewish Community Contingent is diverse and inclusive, including those who identify as part of the gender and sexual diversity community and those who identify as allies. Everyone is welcome to join us!

The Zaban Paradies Center was founded in 1984 as the first and only shelter for homeless couples
in Atlanta. The mission of the Center was to keep couples together as they moved from being homeless to find permanent places to live. Volunteer support is still a critical success factor for the Center. Initially, the Center was 100% volunteer run, and volunteers continue to be a critical part of the Centers success. Volunteers from numerous educational, religious, and service oriented organizations provide hot meals every evening during the residential dinner, bagged lunches for residents to take with them during the day, expertise to help residents with life skills development and clothing for residents who are in need. Once a month, Congregation B'nai Torah provides volunteers to cook, serve the meal (allowed 4 servers, and must be 12 years old or older), and/or donate money to purchase food. Click here to see the dates and sign up! To learn more about the center, please visit Zaban Paradies Center.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785