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B'nai Torah Foundation. Funding the Future.

Making an endowment gift enables you to strategically leverage your gift to benefit Congregation B'nai Torah today while investing in our future.

Get the most of your philanthropy with tax efficient gifts that benefit our congregation and community members.

  • Stocks and Other Appreciated Assets: You can maximize the funds you use to support B'nai Torah by donating appreciating assets (both publicly traded and, in many cases, closely held) that do not incur capital gains tax when sold by B'nai Torah while providing a charitable gift deduction at the full value of the asset when sold.
  • IRA Charitable Rollover: If you are 70 or older, you can roll over up to $100,000 annually from your IRA directly to public charities without paying any additional tax.
  • Assets Held in Retirement Plans: For some, assets held in a retirement plan may be subject to both income and estate taxes when passed down to your heirs. Naming Congregation B'nai Torah as a beneficiary can be tax efficient and an effective way to support the synagogue.
  • Charitable Lead Trusts: To minimize estate taxes on assets you intend to leave to heirs, you can create a Charitable Lead Trust. After transferring the asset to B'nai Torah, the trust provides fixed payments to the school for a specific term of year’s or for your lifetime. After that, the trust’s principal transfers back to you or your heirs.

Lasting Legacy

Making a legacy commitment ensures that the generations who come after you understand your life values and passion for Congregation B'nai Torah.

  • Bequests from a Will or Trust: You can preserve assets during your lifetime while leaving a legacy to B'nai Torah once you are gone.
  • Gifts of Life Insurance: You can make significant charitable gifts in an advantageous and inexpensive way by creating a legacy funded from the proceeds of a life insurance policy.
  • Charitable Gift Annuities: An agreement between you and the congregation where, in exchange for the gift of a specific asset, you receive a fixed income stream for life and B'nai Torah can use the gifted asset after your lifetime.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts: This is a creative way to establish a lasting legacy while receiving income from the trust for life or for a specified number of years. Upon expiration of that term, the remainder of the trust goes to Congregation B'nai Torah to establish a permanent endowment.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can provide funding for the future and support the B'nai Torah Foundation, contact Foundation Chair, Michael Siegel, at

If you have already included B'nai Torah in your estate plans, please let Executive Director, Natalie Sarnat, know so that we may properly honor you as part of our Legacy Society.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785