Sponsorship Levels
$3,600 – Presenting Sponsor/Queen Esther Sponsor
- 6 tickets to Erev Purim Dinner
- 6 tickets to adult Purim Party
- Sponsorship of Mishloach Manot that will be given to all congregants
- Sponsorship of all Purim events, including dinner, adult party and the kids carnival
- Name prominently listed on marketing materials where sponsorships are mentioned
$1,800 – Platinum Sponsor/Mordechai Sponsor
- 4 tickets to Erev Purim Dinner
- 4 tickets to adult Purim Party
- Sponsorship of Mishloach Manot that will be given to all congregants
- Sponsorship of all Purim events, including dinner, adult party and the kids carnival
- Name prominently listed on marketing materials where sponsorships are mentioned
$1,000 – Gold Sponsor/King Achashverosh Sponsor
- 2 tickets to Erev Purim Dinner
- 2 tickets to adult Purim Party
- Sponsorship of Mishloach Manot that will be given to all congregants
- Sponsorship of all Purim events, including dinner, adult party and the kids carnival
- Name listed on marketing materials where sponsorships are mentioned
$540 – Silver Sponsor/Gragger Sponsor
- 2 tickets to Erev Purim Dinner
- 2 tickets to adult Purim Party
- Sponsorship of 10 Mishloach Manot bags to be given to 10 congregants of your choice
- Sponsorship of all Purim events, including dinner, adult party, and the kids carnival
- Name listed on marketing materials where sponsorships are mentioned
$360– Community Sponsor/Hamantashen Sponsor
- 2 tickets to Erev Purim Dinner
- 2 tickets to adult Purim Party
- Sponsorship of all Purim events, including dinner, adult party and the kids carnival
- Name listed on marketing materials where sponsorships are mentioned